Mt. Zion
View from Mt. Zion - Fog-shrouded valley
Here's a quick panorama of the Sacramento valley, shrouded in fog - this was taken at Mt. Zion in Pine Grove.
The mound in the distance is Butte Mountain. The tower is a microwave communication tower.
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1998 CBR1100XX At Mt. Zion - Thru the looking glass
Here's a shot of the view of the Sacramento valley from behind the windscreen - you can't really see it, but the valley is shrouded in fog. This photo shows a panoramic view of the valley in greater detail.
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1998 CBR1100XX At Mt. Zion - Head shot
Here's a photo of my '98 'Bird sitting up near the fire tower. It's a great lookout spot with a nice view of the Sacramento valley area.
I really like the low front profile of the 'Bird, even though it means that it provides almost no wind protection... unless I'm in a tuck.
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1998 CBR1100XX At Mt. Zion
Here's a photo of my '98 'Bird sitting up near the fire tower. It's a great lookout spot with a nice view of the Sacramento valley area.
I really like the lighting on this photo. Even though it's a bit overexposed, the bright background lighting makes for a nice contrast, the bike really stands out.
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