Squid Row
Squid sighted 7/2/2005 on Highway 26 - close up
In "minimalist" squid gear - t-shirt, shorts, tennis shoes, tattoo on left ankle. No license plate. The only thing missing is sandals or bare feet. This one gets 8 out of 10 points!
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Squid Row section added!
We've added a place for squid sightings -- Squid Row. It's a place to share photos and videos of squid action.
We'll be adding new squid sightings as we receive them. If you have any great squid photos or videos, let us know, and we'll post them.
Squid sighted 7/2/2005 on Highway 26
In "minimalist" squid gear - t-shirt, shorts, tennis shoes, tattoo on left ankle. No license plate. The only thing missing is sandals or bare feet.
This one gets 8 out of 10 points!
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