Old School Laguna Seca Photos
Laguna Seca - A Look Back - Looking Down the Corkscrew Now
The current view of the Corkscrew at Mazda Laguna Seca Raceway shows the safety improvements including more runoff area and gravel traps.
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Laguna Seca - A Look Back - Looking Down the Corkscrew Then
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Laguna Seca - A Look Back - Corkscrew Bottom Then
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Laguna Seca - A Look Back - Corkscrew Bottom Now
A current look at the Corkscrew at Mazda Laguna Seca Raceway from the bottom. Too bad they moved the pedestrian bridge to the new location.
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Laguna Seca - A Look Back - Corkscrew Top Now
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Laguna Seca - A Look Back - Corkscrew Top Then
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