C.T.'s Dark Green 1979 Kawasaki KZ1000 LTD
Basic Info:
Dark Green 1979 Kawasaki KZ1000 LTD (1000cc)
I Bought new in 1979, bike is stock except I swaped out the points for an elctronic ignition. A few years back I restored the bike. It was hard to find parts for a bike so old but over time I found them. Thanks for E-Bay.

It's beautiful!
Man, that's one clean KZ! Looks like the day it came off the showroom floor!
- Mike C
'79 LTD1000
Absolutely gorgeous!! I love that style, too bad Kawi could'nt have just kept producing it ad infinitum!! Let me know if you're planning on selling it, love it.. Closest I got was a '78 KZ650SR, owned it in 79-84, also a beautiful bike, a little too small for me now. The LTD 1000 is the best styled bike of all time.
Hey Michael
Hey Guy,
IF someone knows of a Kaw restorer, or if there is a resto
book for dummies (me), PLEASE post it !!
Thanks, Richie LionelRichie@PeoplePC.com
PS; Keep the rubber side down.
Great Restoration
You did an excellent job restoring this classic liter bike.
Hey Dwight
Hey Guy,
IF someone knows of a Kaw restorer, of if there's a resto
book for dummies (me). PLEASE post it !!
Thanks, Richie LionelRichie@PeoplePC.com
PS; Keep the rubber side down.
1000 ltd
i have no idea what this site is but, my grandpa and dad restored my dads. its an awesome bike.
kaw 1000 ltd 1979
I bought the exact same bike new from the dealer when I was 20. I would kill to have that bike back again. She's a beauty. I bought a kz 1000 this winter and I'm putting it togrther in my spare time and your pic brought back all the memories and good times I had on that bike. I'd be very interested if you wanted to sell her. E-mail me if you want to compare stories.
Thanks fo tor the pic Rob
79 LTD
Beautiful resto on your bike. I recently traded a generator for my 79 LTD and am in the process of restoring it. Your bike gives new thoughts on pipes, color, etc. Can you send my a couple pics. JT
I owened a 1977 kz 1000 back in the mid 80's and just bought another ,I was told it was a 1977 KZ1000 LTD but a decal under the seat notes 1979complience regs now I am not sure what year it is ? The vin is kztoob-504038, Does anyone know what year this is.
1979 LTD
Bought a 79 LTD new when I was 19, same color. Nice job it brings back memories. Maybe someday I'll have the pleasure again. Own a 06 C90 now, in couple of years maybe a new SG HD. Kawi really had a nice Machine back than, It's a classic today.
LTD 1000
Beautiful! I have a 1980 model in metallic blue w/ similar color scheme (instead of more common black with silver decal); but slightly less pristine. Fantastic restoration C.T. Mine is all original with @5400 miles since it sat for over 18 years while my kids grew up - it's so damn fast I didn't want to risk them growing up orphans. But ITS BAAACK!!! And feels great to be riding it again. True classics.
dave m.
1980 KZ-1000 LTD...Parts Availability ?
Nice pix of restoration of the 1979 LTD ! I had a '74 Z-1 900 back in the '70's/80's. Just bought a good used 1980 KZ-1000 LTD. Anyone know a good website to get ahold of Kaw parts for it ? Need the chrome front cover for the speedometer, and the chrome LTD passenger grab bar. Thanks for your help !
Nice restoration. I have the
Nice restoration.
I have the exact same bike that I am starting the restoration process.
Where did you find the replacement graphics on the tank, side covers and tail?
'79 KZ1000 LTD
Wow, I didn't know there was a site to talk KZ 1000's.
Anybody know who restores them? I want my ride back.
Thanks, Richie
Hey Tom
Hey Guy,
IF someone knows of a Kaw restorer, or if there a resto book for
dummies (me). PLEASE post it !!
THANKS Richie at LionelRichie@PeoplePC.com
PS; Keep the rubber side down!
Love the Bike. Mine is the
Love the Bike. Mine is the same colors. Can you tell me where you found the decals for the tank and side covers? I lost a side cover and have replaced it, but I need to get it painted and would need the decal.
Its Obvious you took the
Its Obvious you took the time to do it right, nice job! I have a 1980 1000 LTD black and silver (original paint)with 17,000 miles. I have owned it since 1986. It is in show room condition w/ smooth bores,nice looking header and lots of chrome. I also have the stock pipes as well. It is for sale. If interested, send me an E-mail. Thanks Larry
Question for C.T.
Hi C.T.
Your restore is RAD !!! I had a '79 but sold it. Want to get another
and make it look like showroom. Who is the guy who painted your tank,
covers, and duck tail ?? I need him for my restore.
PLEASE answer me at LionelRichie@PeoplePC.com
THANKS, & may God bless, Richie