Virginia City, Nevada
Virginia City is an old mining town that is located about 25 miles Southeast of Reno, Nevada. After a quick ride down Highway 395 South you reach the junction of Highway 341 East. Highway 341 is in very good condition and winds up over the mountain to Virginia City at about 6200 elevation. The road is twisty but should be a nice ride for riders of all skill levels. Police patrol the town so watch your speed and noise levels.
Most of the original buildings have been maintained in their original glory. There are several mansions that exhibit the Victorian style from the late 1800s. Many of the buildings are brick with wood trim. There are many restaurants and casino/bars in town. It's fun to walk through town on the wood sidewalks and check out the memorabilia. You can also ride a horse drawn carriage around town or take the guided tour on tractor drawn open trailor.
Samuel Clemens "Mark Twain" worked for the Territorial Enterprise newspaper in Virginia City from 1862 - 1864. He got his start writing letters for the newspaper. He was fired after a story that he wrote (reputedly while drunk) that insulted the socialite women of the town.

Mansion in downtown Virginia City.: One of the beautiful restored mansions in Virginia City from the late 1800s.
Mark Twain museum

Mark Twain museum in Virginia City.: The Mark Twain museum across the street from from the Mark Twain Casino.
St Mary's Church
The steeple of St Mary’s church rises high above the city. The church shows the wonderful architecture and detailed work of the day.Current Poll
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About the author
Author Name
Dwight Domonkos
Author Bio
Dwight is a longtime motorsports and motorcycle enthusiast. He's been riding full-time since the early 1990's (but he did borrow a few friends' bikes for a quick trip to the grocery store in his younger days.)
Dwight is a co-founder and serves as editor and photographer, and manages business development.
Nice photos
Hey, nice photos - what kind of camera are you using?
I'm using the Canon S80 with a sanDisk 1GB Ultra II card.